Extrafiscality tax applied to the protection of urban environment and Promotional Function according to Norberto Bobbio
promotional function of law, techniques of encouragement, positive sanction, extrafiscality, cultural heritageAbstract
This article aims to analyze the theory of the promotional role of law tilled by Norberto Bobbio and its techniques of encouragement, linking it as scientific foundation, the discussion of the protection of the urban environment and the social functions of the city and property as expressed the chapeau of Article 2 of Law number 10.257/2001. Thus, to be evidenced by state power and duty to protect the environment in all its gradients, we sought to direct this study to protect the artificial environment in the city of Belém (PA),
since this Amazonian city has a rich asset base come from golden eras, such as the period called Belle Epoque. Therefore, the mentioned protection should be carried through all instruments admitted to the legal system. However, the priority was to examine the legal instruments included in town planning and tax
laws of that county, in particular, the operations of encouragement, embodied in the figure of two types of tax exemption (extrafiscal waiver) which, in theory, should encourage and reward conservation property that the municipality decided to protect due to notorious historical, artistic, cultural and environmental value.
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