The Legal Dilemmas of the Self-Managed Production of Social Housing


  • Edilson Henrique Mineiro União Nacional por Moradia Popular -UNMP (São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil)



housing cooperatives, social movements, self-managed , social housing


The article presents some of the historical, political and legal aspects related to the processes
of social production of the housing, especially in the modality known as self-managed production of social housing that, even after more than forty years of the first experiences, hinted at in the documents of international law, developed in several public programs, still lack a better legal framework in the field of constitutional law and its unfolding in urban law. There are still legal differences around the legal principles related to the activities of associations and cooperatives, the limits that should be imposed by the public sector and the degree of autonomy that should be given to them in the implementation of public programs. A brief history of its development, joint the recommendations of the Human Rights Organization, of the domestic legislation and housing plans, seeks to find the necessary elements to understand the innovative characteristics of this controversial but persistent way of building social housing and full citizenship. We look for a debate about a new urban agenda that recognizes the place of the homeless population as the protagonist in solving the problem of housing deficit and the importance of authentic housing associations and cooperatives as necessary agents for the realization of full citizenship and a fair and solidary society.


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Author Biography

Edilson Henrique Mineiro, União Nacional por Moradia Popular -UNMP (São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil)

Edilson Henrique Mineiro é advogado e urbanista. Integrou, na qualidade de assessor parlamentar do vereador Nabil Bonduki, a equipe técnica que elaborou o substitutivo ao Projeto de Lei que redundou a aprovação do Plano Diretor Estratégico da cidade de São Paulo, aprovado em 2014. Atualmente é assessor jurídico da União Nacional por Moradia Popular


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How to Cite

MINEIRO, E. H. . The Legal Dilemmas of the Self-Managed Production of Social Housing. Revista Brasileira de Direito Urbanístico | RBDU, Belo Horizonte: Fórum, v. 3, n. 4, p. 135–154, 2017. DOI: 10.55663/rbdu.v3i4.531. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.