Federal Law 13.465/2017 and its justification: the imposition of a developmental model hidden by the promise of procedural dynamization of regularization of land tenure


  • Rafael De Sordi Zanola Universidade Federal do ABC -UFABC (São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil)




regularização fundiária, discurso justificativo, Lei 13.365/2017, MP 759/2016


With the enactment of the Federal Constitution of 1988, the elaboration, understanding and application of federal legislation regarding land regularization was implemented based on the urban policy guidelines established in the City Statute. The edition of Provisional Measure 459/2009, transformed into Federal Law No. 11.977/09, had the important mission of covering the gap in Brazilian legislation on land regularization matters. With a broad conceptualization, full land regularization began to be understood as the set of legal, urban, environmental and social measures capable of guaranteeing the social right to housing, the full development of the social functions of urban property and the right to the environment ecologically balanced. However, the alteration of the institutions, here understood as the relational arrangements of actors, in the sphere of the Federal Executive Power, also implied in the
shaping of the legislation for the modification of the final objective of the role of the land regularization policy, being seen as a means of obtaining title deed by the poor population for their access to the financial market through the guarantee of titled real property. This article proposes to analyze the institutional discourse carried out to justify this cultural change.


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Author Biography

Rafael De Sordi Zanola, Universidade Federal do ABC -UFABC (São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil)

Advogado. Mestrando em Planejamento e Gestão do Território pela Universidade Federal do ABC. Especialização em Política Territorial e Urbanística na Universidade Carlos III de Madrid. Extensão universitária sobre Temas Fundamentais de Regularização Fundiária na EPM – Escola Paulista da Magistratura. Graduado em Direito pela Universidade Mackenzie. Professor no curso Regularização Fundiária no Município da Escola de Cidadania e Gestão Pública Oficina Municipal. Consultor jurídico em Direito Urbanístico, com foco nos temas de regularização fundiária, planejamento urbano e análises fundiárias do território. http://lattes.cnpq.br/0547661369304022


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How to Cite

ZANOLA, R. D. S. . Federal Law 13.465/2017 and its justification: the imposition of a developmental model hidden by the promise of procedural dynamization of regularization of land tenure. Revista Brasileira de Direito Urbanístico | RBDU, Belo Horizonte: Fórum, v. 3, n. 5, p. 171–191, 2017. DOI: 10.55663/rbdu.v3i5.567. Disponível em: http://biblioteca.ibdu.org.br/index.php/direitourbanistico/article/view/567. Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.