Democratic participation in social policies in federal district: The effectiveness of participation in the Management Council of the Fund for Social Housing in Federal District
democratic management, low income population, citizen participation, right to the cityAbstract
The Fund for Social Interest Housing in the Federal District, through its Management Council,
is responsible for budgeting, managing and allocating public policies that are capable of building a fairer and more inclusive city. Thus, by the principles constructed throughout urban planning, the solutions to such deep and complex problems of inequalities, occurs from a deliberative democracy, in which citizens can use their decision-making capacities to intervene in the environment in which they live in. However,
besides all legal instruments and formal respect for normative provisions, decisions are not always signed in a participatory process, which could render rhetoric citizen participation in city management. The aim of this study is to evaluate, by objective criteria, the functioning of the democratic management instruments in the performance of the main budget of social housing policies in the Federal District. In order to identify problems and, possibly, to present proposals that contribute to the effectiveness of participation, this article, through a critical evaluation, focus on how a democratic and citizen expression can consolidate social public policies, democratic management and the right to the city.
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