Periphery and social infrastructure – spatial analysis of urban facilities in Special Social Interest Zones: the case of Passo Fundo, RS, Brazil
infraestrutura social; equipamentos urbanos; planejamento urbano; Passo Fundo; zonas especiais de interesse social.Abstract
The work deals with research that seeks to investigate the social infrastructure and urban equipment present in peripheral areas, demarcated as Special Zones of Social Interest, in order to reflect on their relationships and importance for urban planning in the context of Passo Fundo, a medium-sized city in Rio Grande do Sul. For this, the methodology sought: the conceptualization of the elements through a bibliographical review; the characterization of the case study, the city of Passo Fundo, in macro and micro scales; in addition to a spatial analysis through maps prepared by geoprocessing. The results and discussions list the main contributions, limitations and propositions for the joint analysis of the terms of social infrastructure and urban equipment.
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