Drenando desigualdades: uma análise do direito humano à água e saneamento básico nas áreas urbanas brasileiras
direito humanos, direito à água potávelAbstract
This research examines the intersection between the human right to water, urbanization and access to basic sanitation in the Brazilian context. Faced with the growing and emerging challenges of contemporary society, specifically, the world’s water crisis and its impacts on urban areas. This scientific and academic investigation addresses the pressing need to ensure that all communities have access to quality drinking water in sufficient quantities, besides safe and adequate sanitary facilities. The justification for this research is based on the scientific contribution in the fields of Human Rights, Geopolitics and the Environment. Among the objectives of this analysis, we propose: identifying the global water crisis as a geopolitical issue; conceptualize the human right to water; analyze the main approaches in relation to urbanization and access to water; contextualize the issue of basic sanitation in Brazil and; identify the main social and geographic inequalities in access to water and basic sanitation in the Brazilian context. The methodology used in this research follows the exploratory bias in the hypothetical-deductive method, based on the analysis of a bibliographical documentary review. Finally, the need for actions and policies aimed at realizing the human right to water and basic sanitation in Brazil was highlighted.
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